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Jam packed with commercial grade features and parts, the Pasquini Livia is a true heat exchanger espresso machine, which means the boiler is used for steaming on demand, and espresso water is drawn straight from the built in reservoir - it gets flash heated as it passes through a piping system inside the boiler. With the Livia 90, producing espresso shot after espresso shot, and steaming instantly for large parties is never a problem.

Brewing espresso & frothing milk at the same time is no problem for the Livia! This is an absolute necessity for any espresso machine used for entertaining or in a semi-commercial environment. This saves a lot of time and eliminates the need for you to wait for the boiler to "recover" between espresso brewing and milk heating functions (common on all single boiler machines). The dual heat exchanger allows for both functions to take place simultaneously.

The Livia 90 Semiautomatic is just like the Livia 90 Automatic, but IT DOES NOT have the automatic one-touch brewing system like the automatic version. Instead of relying on the machine to dose the volume of coffee, you have complete control over the flow of espresso. To start brewing, push the coffee brew button, then push it again to stop brewing. The Livia 90 Semiautomatic has what is known as a heat exchanger, which means you have the ability to froth and steam milk at the same time. Where most other consumer machines leave you waiting a minute or longer to heat up for steaming, you can steam instantly with the Livia and even go back to brewing more espresso shots right away.

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